Czech 5x16 Dagger - MILKY PINK LUSTER IRIS

Czech 5x16 Dagger - MILKY PINK LUSTER IRIS

Product Code: CZ-5X16-DAG-MLKPINKLI

1-9 10-24 25+
$7.45 ea. $6.21 ea. $4.97 ea.

Limited quantities are available!

Product Description
Czech 5x16 Dagger - MILKY PINK LUSTER IRIS are flat shaped teardrop that are drilled through the top and allow them to dangle from your stringing material. Great in necklaces and earrings.
  • Size: 5mm x 16mm
  • 50 beads per package
  • Hole size: approximately .9 millimeters
  • Made in: Czech Republic